What will happen after the curfew is eased?
The government has eased the curfew and hopefully, it will be completely over soon. But unfortunately, ease in timings doesn’t mean that the threat of COVID-19 has passed too.
Coronavirus is still here to haunt us and we need to stay cautious.
Post-lockdown life will not be as we used to live it. To protect ourselves and our families we need to know how life will be changed when the lockdown is lifted.

As of now, we don’t know what life after Corona will be, but we can foresee what life after curfew will be. Let’s look at different aspects of life that will evolve into a new normal.
Social Life
Our social life will bear the most Corona impact.
Gatherings and parties will continue to be held, but it’ll be in a simple manner with only the maximum number of people allowed by the government, in attendance.
To keep ourselves safe, we should ideally limit hosting and inviting people to parties, social functions, group meetings, large-scale conferences, and other celebrations.

Tourism took a massive hit during this pandemic, and for the right reasons. Foreign tourists have the biggest share in uplifting the tourism industry of any country. Globetrotters became homebound and the industry came to a standstill.
Even though flights will be resumed soon, it seems that vacation plans will have to be at hold until the things return to normal and we’re at the least risk of getting infected.
Staying at home, people have made use of time to binge-watch all the seasons & movies they ever wanted to see. Netflix and Amazon Prime became the ultimate entertainment channels.
Theaters and cinema halls are still under government ban, so the couch is your best friend for much longer now. Hit us up for shows recommendations!

Lockdown has pushed us to digitize our education system. Virtual classrooms and e-learning are here to stay.
After the lockdown is lifted, schools and colleges will allow a limited number of students and social distance between each student. It appears that timings will be reduced and school functions will be prohibited for a while.
Every student will be instructed to wear masks and carry sanitizer in their bags.

A country’s economy depends on it’s GDP, no doubt about that.
GDP will increase if sales and services increase. But lockdown has brought all the finances in a difficult situation.
The economy has faced a huge blow, and it will take years to restore the global economy back to normal. But we’ll get there, one step at a time.
Human beings are adaptable and flexible. You’ve managed to stay under curfew for more than 11 weeks, now it’s your responsibility to make sure all safety precautions are duly met when and if you do plan to go out.
The safest way to protect ourselves from COVID-19 is to stay home even when the lockdown is over and learn to coexist with Corona.
Don’t know what to do post lockdown? Hop on to Hala Yalla and discover experiences in sports, entertainment, art, and much more!